Config & Shop Files

All files for CustomShops, including the config.yml, can be found at plugins/CustomShops/.


# The background item in the Buy Preview GUI
# Only a filler item for visual purposes
# Leave an option as an empty string to not set it
    # This item must be a valid skript alias
    # For the most part, it's the minecraft name without underscores
    # Set to "air" to show nothing
    item: black stained glass pane
    # Lore of item: leave at '' to be blank
    # Use '||' to make a new line (lore only)
    lore: ''
    name: "&a"

# What should it say in the lore for the cost?
# '{price}' is the cost
# Will have no effect if "show-buy-price" is false or "all-items-free" is true
buy-price-visual-text: "&eCost: &6${price}"

# When players click an item in the shop, should it cancel the event?
# Setting this to false will allow players to take any item from the shop as-is
cancel-click: true

# What is the name of the main shop?
# This is also the command that opens up the main shop
main-shop-name: Shop

# The message that players get sent if they don't have permission to do a command
no-permission-message: "&4You don't have permission to do this!"

# Should the buy price be shown in the lore of an item?
show-buy-price: true

# Should all items be free?
# This could be useful for a creative server
all-items-free: false

All Shop Files

# Number of rows (1 to 6)
# Can be set using the command /customshops setsize <shop> <new size>
inventory-rows: 6

# Title of shop GUI
# Can be set using the command /customshops settitle <shop> <new title>
shop-title: "&eShop"

# Shop Data
    # Data for when you click a slot
        # Actions for slot 0
            type: BuyPreview
            value: 100
            type: OpenShop
            value: Materials
            type: PlayerCmd
            value: say hi!
            type: ConsoleCmd
            value: give @a minecraft:acacia_boat
    # Data for the GUI of the shop
            ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
            v: 3700
            type: POLISHED_DEEPSLATE
                ==: ItemMeta
                meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
                - '{"text":"","extra":["omg lore"]}'
                - '{"text":"","extra":["lore2"]}'

Last updated

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