Getting Started

Before you do anything, make sure that you have these plugins installed:

Skript, skript-reflect, skript-yaml, Vault, and any economy manager (such as EssentialsX).

Commands and Permissions






/newshop, /ns, /cs


Create a new shop from in game


/removeshop, /rs, /ds


Delete a shop from in game

Each shop that you create will also have its own command to open it. No permission is required File

This is the file with all of the most important options.
	# This is the file location for the Skript.
	# The / at the end means it will reload the whole folder called "Shop"
	# Default is Shop/
	File Location: Shop/
	Shops: "Shop", "Blocks", and "Redstone"

	# The message that players get sent if they don't have permission to do a command
	No Permission Message: &4You don't have permission to do this!

	# When players click an item in the shop, should it cancel the event?
	Cancel Click: true

What do Each of These Options do?

Each of these options serve an important function.

  • File Location

    • Where is the folder with all of the shop files located?

    • Default: Shop/

  • Shops

    • A list of all the shop categories you have

    • Default: "Shop", "Blocks", and "Redstone"

  • No Permission Message

    • Default: &4You don't have permission to do this!

  • Cancel Click

    • When players click an item in the shop, should it not let them take it?

      • true (Keep the item in the shop) or false (let them take the items)

    • Default: true

If you would like something setup for you, join my support discord!

Last updated

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